Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Everyday Miracles...

Yesterday marked 11 weeks that we have been waiting for our match letter from Vietnam. I must confess I have not done a good job of waiting this time. Adoption involves so many steps and in between each step is a period of waiting. Waiting is not easy, especially when you are waiting to for a piece of paper to tell you that you can come and get your baby. Our match letter could come any day that our agencies offices are open. So every week day we wait for a phone call, and every day that 7:00 pm rolls around (the end of the business day for our agencies office) my heart breaks a little more. I know there are other families that have waited longer and some shorter, and each adoption is different. But even though I know that everything will happen in the Lord's timing, I can't help hoping and praying for it to happen now. Right now, ten minutes ago, I want to be on a plane today. So this period of waiting has been the hardest. But even when things seem more than you can bear, God is there to lift the weight. Yesterday He showed me that He is in control of EVERYTHING. And He is working miracles even in seemingly everyday routine.

Yesterday my sister in law and I had a rare treat. We got to leave the kids with our husbands and enjoy an afternoon out with just the two of us. Girl time. It was the first time I think I have been out for just me time in about 4 years…basically since I got pregnant with our first child. We decided to get our nails done and go thrift store shopping. (I know, we get crazy when we are kid free.) So we set out to the nail salon, only to find that they are closed for a long holiday weekend. We remember another salon we had seen and head there. They are closed as well. (Beginning to think that getting our nails done is not going to be part of our day out.) We try one more salon, and they are OPEN. So we are sitting in the salon, talking with this really sweet man that is doing both our nails, and he happens to mention that his family is returning to Vietnam on vaction in a couple weeks. This brings up the fact that we are adopting our daughter from Vietnam. We get talking about our little girl and his wife is there as well, we get to show them pictures of Rori and they tell us that we have to bring her in to hang out with them and their children when she comes home so they can help teach her Vietnamese! I could have CRIED right there! God knows exactly what he is doing. He made sure we went out for our girls day on THAT day. He knew those shops would be closed. He knew we would go to this salon. He knew we would get to meet this amazing family, right here in our town, who would want to be a part of our little girls life and could help her connect to her birth and her culture in a way we cannot. And He knew in this hard time of waiting that I needed just that kind of miracle, to see so clearly His hand and His will in my life. He showed me how much He loves our little girl and how He is in control with this seemingly ordinary, everyday miracle.

All in His timing. 

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