Thursday, September 15, 2016


I have been waiting to type these words for what feels like an ETERNITY.


Today I received the best phone call ever! Vietnam has OFFICIALLY approved us to be Rori's parents! 

What does this mean?
It means in 3-4 months we will be on a plane to Vietnam to bring our baby girl home FOREVER!

We have prayed for this letter, our family has prayed for this letter, and all of our friends have prayed for this letter! I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER! I believe you should pray specifically. God knows your needs but that doesn't mean He doesn't want to hear you voice them in His presence. 

Thank you all so much for taking our family to the Lord in your prayers! Can I ask you to once again storm the gates on our behalf? It has been my wish and fervent prayer that our little girl would not have to spend even one more Christmas or birthday apart from her family. Would you pray for us specifically, that everything would move along in such a way that we would be with our sweet Rori before Christmas? Its absolutely possible, but will require us to move quickly through the last few paperwork steps and find a way to quickly pull together the funding we still need. PLEASE PRAY!

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